

1.      Fully meet the core objectives.

2.      導師思維清晰。

3.      Lots of examples.

4.      講者之分享包羅萬有,令人眼界大開。

5.      The concept and elaboration is very clear.

6.      Generally, simple & easy to understand.

7.      容易理解。

8.      The teacher quotes a lot of examples that help us in better understanding.

9.      The instrutor has a sense of humor. His ability to speak non-stop is greatly appreciated.

10.  生活化,清晰,有趣,生動,啟發性。

11.  清楚解釋學員之提問,解釋課題清楚、詳盡。

12.  講者對課程內容有深切的認識/講解生動有趣/能帶領學員投入課程。

13.  講者備課充裕,講課生鬼,神情豐富。

14.  講者對心理學有廣泛認識。

15.  Can apply to daily life, build up basic knowledge.

16.  資料豐富,多具體例子,容易掌握。

17.  Many real life examples.

18.  Instrutor’s elaborations are very good.

19.  Flexible, casual, interesting.

20.  舉很多例子和故事,令學員更有興趣追索。

21.  A very good course.

22.  有料到!

23.  好笑。

24.  講者說話通俗而不低俗。

25.  講者的隨手拈來的風格很強烈,很精采。